Building software
for humans.

Certifications, awards,
and recognitions
for quality services.

Building software
for humans.

awards, and
for quality services.

CertificationsYou should choose Untile and here’s why

At Untile, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, efficiency, and excellence. Our dedication to providing the best possible service to our clients has not gone unnoticed, as we have received some certifications and recognitions for our outstanding work.
The GEMCAT Project - Generation of Cross-Border Quality Employment - has as its main objective the improvement of the efficiency of public policies for the creation and maintenance of quality jobs, through cooperation between citizens and institutions. We were winners in the Equal Opportunities category of the 2nd edition of the Cross-Border Conciliation and Equality Awards. With it, we were recognized for the best initiative regarding equal opportunities in the northern region of Portugal.
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ISO 27001
ISO 27001
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 27001 certification is about information security. It matters to us, it matters to our clients, and it matters to their customers, who will be using the products we develop. This certification serves as a seal of confidence for the market. It ensures our clients that information security is guaranteed by default because our practices follow a certain standard from the get-go. Here at Untile we had to go through a severe internal analysis process to look at our operational, strategic, regulatory, financial, and even human resource-related risks. The impact of always ensuring the practices demanded by ISO27001 is significant.
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ISO 9001
ISO 9001
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9001 certification is an essential norm that serves as an anchor to other certifications and is a basis that every organization should have. By documenting our methodologies, procedures, and work structure, we were able to analyze what is working perfectly, and what still has room for improvement. On those that can still be improved, we make adjustments and work towards a better solution. ISO 9001 is another great way of showing our clients, suppliers, and partners that we are a trustworthy brand, following the highest standards, and values constant improvement and evolution.
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NP 4552
NP 4552
NP (Norma Portuguesa) 4552 certification is a natural step in a people-first organization. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about work-life balance and how a team’s well-being can improve its productivity and, ultimately, boost an organization’s performance. At Untile, however, this concern isn’t something that came up just recently, it’s already part of our DNA. For us, it comes down to having a fulfilling professional life, where your career development is valued and you are constantly learning and evolving, while still maintaining a healthy personal life, with enough time to spend with your family and to pursue your individual goals. People should be able to have it all, to strive both professionally and personally.
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