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Case Study

Driving confidence and trust with VerifiCar website


Revamp the new website and leverage car verifications with trustworthy online certificates for VerifiCar.


Product Research UX Strategy UI and UX Design Frontend Development


Mobile first website redesign to promote second-hand cars inspections and sales and online certificates.

Who is VerifiCar?

ControlAuto: leader in vehicles inspections and promoter of transparency on the automotive Portuguese market

ControlAuto is a leading Portuguese company for car inspection in the automotive sector with an established reputation for trust and excellence with more than 50 inspection centers all over Portugal. As for their digital platform of has been revolutionizing how consumers interpret and interact with used vehicles and the second-hand car market.

Read more about ControlAuto.


Our mission to revamp VerifiCar by the launch of its nationwide marketing campaign

VerifiCar’s team set a big challenge for our team. Along with the website redesign to enhance the experience regarding communication and navigation, we faced a non-negotiable deadline, to be live at the same time as the new marketing campaign slated for mid-February.

SCAN 360 for all second-hand cars

One key objective, and part of the challenge of the website redesign, was to highlight the 360º SCAN core service from its three complementary services and another core service: the Battery SCAN for hybrid and electric cars. The 360º SCAN consists of a full inspection of all second-hand cars, providing thorough and accurate information about the car's conditions with an issued certificate and report to give users knowledge of the car's real value and state.

Communication as key for success

Communication as key for success

To offer a dynamic, and straightforward usability experience we had to understand how to communicate clearly and engage two different targets: buyers and sellers. Then the big question: How can we communicate all services with clarity and the same information for users with opposite goals and needs?

We had to explore and understand the business core and goals, the advantages of each service, and the booking logistics. We also delved into the users' motivations, challenges, and habits by making direct contact with them to craft VerifiCar’s story and copywriting and by the end lead both target users through an apprised, clear and mindful journey.


Leading the way with user-focused design, clear communication and innovative services

VerifiCar’s website arrived to significantly transform the business of buying and selling used cars between private owners. To achieve this, we focused on data from the end users to turn the process of acquisition and property ownership into an easier, trustworthy, and satisfying experience for both buyer and seller.

Optimizing user experience: UX considerations and content analysis

We started by conducting research close to the client to better understand our clients' needs and frustrations with website design and laid the foundations for the users' experience.

Afterwards, we evaluated the navigation and structure of the previous website and reviewed all the content and SEO issues to guide us forward and delineate a UX strategy, always keeping in mind the clarity and transparency in communication for buyers and sellers.

Conducting user research: usability testing with VerifiCar’s audience

During the UX design process, we tested our work directly with the target audience. We relied on in-depth moderated usability tests and interviews with first-time and active users of VerifiCar, to get insights about the target audience's mental models, understand their usability perception, identify errors and necessary actionable improvements to our solution.

Far beyond studies and research, we have always been attentive to having the users motivations and frustrations as a priority and at the center of our solutions, to truly simplify the lives of customers digitally.

User Research
Shaping user experience: developing VerifiCar’s website

Shaping user experience: developing VerifiCar’s website

The main objective was to increase trust and convenience between users with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

With concrete information on our side, we focused on designing a new website with an easy navigation and straightforward copy sustained by user-centered principles and accessibility practices. By adopting this process we were able to convey the value of the different services with clarity.

As the design took shape, the front-end development team stepped in by leveraging the latest technological tools and best practices transforming our design prototypes into a fully functional website and bringing our vision and strategy to life.

Unveiling delivering the final website with precision
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